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Animación Infantil. Diferentes juegos tradicionales cubanos (página 2)

Enviado por mercedes gallardo

Partes: 1, 2

"Racing in bags " and "Racing on stilts " are very
agreeable leisure skills of children. First as the name suggests,
are trying from inside a bag and taking it at its ends , running
cross country to achieve a goal rather than one or several
opponents. "Racing on stilts " even more depleted in its
execution were appreciated in those two cities. The use of such
tools is essential for the enforcement of such games . Both
expressions are not registered on the text " Cubans

Other games on a smaller scale and not coincidentally in
the investigated cities , appear as a result of the
investigation. Among them we can mention : " sweet puppy " ,
"Bandits and police ", " Squirrel homeless " etc. .

Varied games .

Such playful variants excelled by its repetition and
consistency the " Pasito English ", "Four corners " and " donkey
tail " games even though the latter two were not recorded in the
city of Cardenas during the course of the investigation

The first one does not appear in the classification of
Alfaro. It is played with two bridesmaids, one for counting and
the other where the other children, who will try to get to that
account are unseen .

" Four Corners" is a playful variant that was not
recorded in the text " Cubans Games " and consists of four
players who are held by a single rope tied at the ends to that
shape quadrilateral and separate them about a meter behind of an
object placed on the floor. The first to achieve capturing the
garment is the winner.

Meanwhile " The donkey tail " is one of those games that
comes from the past, practiced by children in many countries .
Involves placing the tail of a donkey cardboard or paperboard ,
blindfolded .

In small claims and isolation were seen games like "
Fruit " , "Fight dwarf " , etc. . The existence of some not
described before in the referred Cuban book is also evident in
these games.

Games with rounds and chants.

The main games that appear in its execution rounds and
songs , some well known appreciated by several generations of
Cubans. "Wheel wheel" , " Alánimo " , "Miss " and " The
courtyard of my house ." They are characterized by small circular
while allegorical songs to sing those names movement.

Very sporadic appreciate the possibilities were playful
garments variants games and the well-recognized piteos and what
was achieved here so well exigua corresponds mainly with the work
of some children. The limited these terms and many others that
were previously enjoyed by parents and grandparents, are strong
evidence of impairment who experience such ways today

The game is one dimension of the man who goes back to a
different world with different rules , where the essence of each
of the men is shown without masks or masks, where everything – or
almost everything – you can, it is the dream come true ,
everything is transformed according to the desire and the man
goes back to the depths of his being.

Many theorists , representatives of diverse disciplines
have attempted to define the game , meeting the consequent
limitations when trying to lock in short an almost endless human
dimension. Positions can be found psychological , philosophical ,
biological , historical, anthropological teaching , etc

However you can also find common in almost all the
playful expressions. You could somehow synthesize a phenomenon or
an activity that takes place in a different time and everyday
space and has its own rules. Another important aspect is freedom,
understood it from an activity "freely" accepted freedom as long
as the player chooses to play or not, and select the theme and
game footage .

Different researchers postulate that regard that, while
the child is playing his game and become objects of reality into
fantasy objects , the latter " are" other objects with their real
significance for the child.

There are multiple definitions given by different
authors about what the game is. The leisure literature has the
peculiarity of being extremely fickle and versatile , especially
from different considerations. It lies not in any way in the
inability of these authors , for such diversity is due primarily
to their own wealth and existential games constitute an important
part of the life of society .

All have the game any more or less complete idea , you
could even try some approximation based either in child , youth
and adult experiences, either in some reading that has been done
on the subject. This phenomenon is so inherent in man , you all
have had some experience , even minimal


Con este trabajo pretendemos que nuestros animadores
penetren un poco en la psicología del niño en sus
edades tempranas y que sepan como tratarlos y ayudarlos a tener
una estancia más placentera en nuestras instalaciones lo
que sin dudas hará que sus padres se sientan a gusto y
estimulados a repetir su estancia en nuestro destino, hotel o

Hemos querido mostrar además algunos ejemplos de
actividades que se pueden realizar con los niños que nos
visitan y dejamos al criterio de los animadores la
búsqueda de otros que estimulen su participación y
hagan su estancia en nuestro país más


1- Chávez, A y Mesalles, L. El animador, como
organizar las actividades de los

clientes en un hotel divertido. Editorial Alertes.
Barcelona 2001.

2- García Álvarez, G. Interacción
social y Animación juvenil. Editorial Popular


3. Revistas Simientes para Educadoras de círculos
infantiles. Editorial Mined.




Lic. Cedy Catalá Ayllón

Escuela de Hotelería y Turismo Varadero


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